There are 48 hours until I am on a plane out of Toronto... I'm a little concerned.
My flight starts in Toronto, has stopovers in Atlanta, LA and Sydney, and lands in Perth 2 days later. It's gonna be a fun ride - I'm still deciding on what I can take over with me to keep me company on the plane - I'm thinking books.
My courses still are not completely figured out, and I start school in a couple of weeks - which is an extremely concerning fact for me. My host university is denying my courses, while my home university is slow at approving new ones to replace the ones my host uni denies. It's a lot of red tape to go through, but I sent out at least 10 emails last night, so hopefully people start to respond to them extremely soon.
I should mention that I finished my job at YU, and it was pretty awesome. Working with great people, inspiring kids to do science, and making some new best friends? Yeah, I can work with that. I'm kind of sad that it's over though, and I hope that I make friends as good as them in Australia. It's starting to hit me just how long I'll be gone for.
I've got a lot of stuff to do before I move out... Pack is the main thing, followed by courses, followed by sorting out little details like my phone. I keep making new to do lists, so I have at least 15 of them each with only a few things on them... Perhaps I should combine them.
So... For sure when I get there, I will be taking a Performance studies class, an Immunology class, and a Pathology class... It's going to be a fun semester! (And I don't say that sarcastically, it actually will be fun).
Anyways, I feel guilty sitting around and not doing anything. I feel I should finish packing, etc etc. So I'll post another update tomorrow when I'll be twice as freaked out as today!